Mobil 1 Motor Oil

Mobil 1 was the first synthetic motor oil. It had huge advantages in terms of hot and cold weather performance and the ability to go much longer between oil changes. Roy brought these benefits to life is vivid fashion. It’s also been said that Roy actually designed the iconic Mobil 1 logo still in use to this day.

Mobil Gasoline

Sometimes having a competitive difference is as simple as saying it when no one else is. All gasolines had detergent in them but no one was highlighting it, so DDB did. Roy and Evan Stark created Mr. Dirt to symbolize the damage dirt could do to an engine. He was brilliantly brought to life by actor Ronny Graham, who brought a manic glee to the role. Mr. Dirt might have even been the first rapper. Sadly, the gas shortage of 1974 put an end to Mr. Dirt.



